Tips to Excel Business Networking

18 Jan 2022
5 min read

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Individuals do business with persons they like, trust, and are familiar with. People make decisions, not companies. Your professional network may be able to open doors for you that would otherwise be closed. For better or worse, it's not simply what one knows or can do that matters for career growth and business success; it's who you know. You may also learn a lot from those in your connection who have a lot of experience and knowledge. Here are a few pointers to help you succeed at networking. #ThinkWithNiche


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Making relationships not only with potential customers and clients but with other people also who may refer business to you or raise your name in a positive light to people they know, is an important part of business networking. It also entails creating contacts with people who can supply information and training, and it's a great approach to find respectable suppliers to hire for your own company.

If the peer is a possible co-founder, discover out what complimentary abilities they could bring to your firm before wasting both of your time promoting the product or technologies and potentially losing a connection. If your networking approach and thinking are still centered on the tough, push-marketing method, it's time to examine the feedback and your own dissatisfaction with the outcomes.

Design a Plan

Consider what you really want to accomplish:

  • Increase your company's visibility
  • Make new contacts and gain new skills
  • Get referrals

If you're new to networking, go to as many events as you can, talk to the regulars, and see if the group is a good fit for your strategy before committing to a regular schedule.

Push yourself Beyond your Comfort Zone

It's natural to gravitate toward individuals you currently know, but connecting is all about meeting other people from different walks of life. If you find yourself in this circumstance, look around the room for folks you haven't met yet and invite them to join the conversation.

For the First Five Minutes, Concentrate on Listening rather than Speaking

Effective communicators are quick to empathize with others, to comprehend their perspectives and motivations. Practice connected listening to avoid being defensive, going into the problem-solving mindset, or unintentionally tuning people out until it's your chance.

Find a Venue and Approach People

First, ask questions to see if you have any mutual friends or interests, and then examine these on a personal level to develop a positive relationship. You'll have their credibility to listen to your purpose and needs, and you'll get the most favorable comments and interaction once you've created a relationship.

Form Bonds with Others

Networking is about building relationships that really can lead to more sales or referrals, not about selling. It's all about meeting people and letting them get to meet you. People frequently begin networking with the expectation of making sales or gaining a client after just one visit to the right group. That is not the case. People do business with people they know and trust, and developing that understanding and trust might take time. As a result, go into a social gathering with no expectations of gaining new business.

Dress Professionally and Appropriately 

You may establish yourself as a successful person by dressing the role. It does not mean you have to dress up, but you should dress up a little and leave the baggy jeans at home.

Prepare Yourself

Bring plenty of business cards, but only hand them out to those who genuinely want to learn more about what you do. Brochures and printed postcards are also viable options. Also, write a brief description of your services – no more than 10 or 15 seconds.

Be Helpful

When the people in your connection become more powerful, you become more powerful as well. By assisting individuals in your network is becoming more powerful, they would be in a better place to assist you later. People may also be more inclined to repay the favor due to the rule of reciprocity.

Make Yourself Known

It's as if nothing happened if no one understands what you're doing. Maintain contact with folks you wish to stay in touch with on a regular and consistent basis. Mail, blogs, social networking, and, of course, face-to-face communication are all viable options.


Make a name for yourself as someone who follows through on their commitments and is tenacious. People that promised to help you should be followed up. Follow up on emails you've sent but haven't received a response to. Make good on your promises to others. That's how you can improve  your networking skills.

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