What’s Stopping You From Achieving Simplicity In Your Contact Centre

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What’s Stopping You From Achieving Simplicity In Your Contact Centre
09 Sep 2021
5 min read

Blog Post

The most significant barriers to simplifying your life are closer than you realise. A solid strategy starts at the top. In this guest essay, Mr Daniels outlines the best practices of strong leaders and how resource planners should lead by example.#ThinkWithNiche

Working From Anywhere Adds A Whole New Level Of Complexity To The Situation.

When it comes to complexity, the first thing that comes to mind is the advisers and the customer experience, but what about those in charge? Hybrid and remote work models are on the increase, and they pose a variety of challenges for operational leaders. They must plan to blend in-person, virtual, and home customer contacts while maintaining momentum and onboarding new workers from a distance. In addition, there is a need for greater participation and a more personal touch.

Here's A Spot For Maverick Leadership!

  • Traditional management concepts and behaviours, on the other hand, are the most significant barriers to success. They are oblivious to the fact that the world has changed, exposing them to organisational risk and reduced competitiveness.

  • A new style of thinking is necessary to tackle challenges in a hybrid workforce. They do so, however, within the confines of a morally and financially acceptable corporate organisation.

Gartner, a worldwide analytic firm, presented "rogue thinking" as a management strategy. only to name a few

  • Focus on customer outcomes rather than process inputs.

  • Look for new and inventive ideas outside of your industry and then adapt them to your own.

  • Ignore constraints and tear down barriers. Break a glass!

  • Inquire and never stop learning.

  • By going against the grain, you may change the rules of the game. Choose a fresh strategy and a new way of utilising technology.

  • Think big and accept the ludicrous. There are no limits to finding a solution. 

  • Try to peel the onion till you figure out what's going on. Then you may start looking for a solution.

This Is How Resource Planners Will Rule The World

  • As scheduling and forecasting take centre stage, the role of resource planners is becoming increasingly crucial. As a result, resource planners and their leaders must develop a new set of skills. Insight into strategic planning - today's resource planning specialists can help a company understand how successful scheduling and forecasting may best complement the corporate vision, company values, and brand image.

  • Why would you allow your company to fail due to a lack of operational planning skills? The most effective planners are specialists in aiding the organisation to reach its goals when it comes to developing long-term plans that involve forecasts, recruiting, and attrition models. A plan that is more than just a hopeful idea.

  • A keen sense of detail and the ability to communicate effectively - today's planner is more than simply a spreadsheet wizard.

  • Setting shifts and timelines is no longer enough. Effective planners, for example, consider their colleagues' and clients' needs while creating work techniques. Their search for techniques to manage time in a way that fosters colleague engagement, enrichment of the work environment, and retention is driven by innovation and intelligence.

  • Proactive and agile – Successful planners utilise technology to their advantage to be super-proactive, giving the organisation the agility it requires to deal with changes in supply and demand. For example, they prepare ahead of time with a set of short-term, "What-if" forecasts and tactics that help the organisation prepare for on-the-fly real-time management.

Combine Abilities And Technology For Maximum Impact

Create a smart contact centre by combining newly acquired skills with simple and personalised technologies. The cloud makes it simple to control costs and quickly introduce new agents and services in a highly secure and compliant manner.

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