The Ten Spot Debunks Beauty Myths And Showcases Fall Nail Trends

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The Ten Spot Debunks Beauty Myths And Showcases Fall Nail Trends
30 Aug 2021
7 min read

News Synopsis

We have managed to grasp these subliminal messages through various forms of media. Since, films, advertisements, music, campaigns, etc are powerful tools to control the masses; they not only persuade us to live a certain life but also tell us what to purchase and how to look. There are typical beauty standards created by the media, and one of those that is fair-skinned women are most likely to attract high-paying jobs.  However, it is not just a basic tool technique needed to work in the beauty world or as an artist; we also need to be aware of what product suits which skin type and what are the pros and cons of the same. Basically, all the clean-cut faces we see in movies are actually used to present an idol image of a person. These things make most of us uncomfortable and in order to fit in or to look good, we decide to follow all of these things. These messages are misleading. Nowadays, beauty has become a mere competition. Rather than embracing the flaws and our true versions, we are forced to look like somebody who we are not. These are beauty myths created to manipulate young women. Youth are prone to messages which eject a strong effect on their minds. It could be difficult to control the impact of such surreal effects on us.

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