The Easiest YouTube Videos to Make That Require Almost Zero Effort

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The Easiest YouTube Videos to Make That Require Almost Zero Effort
26 Sep 2024
6 min read

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YouTube has revolutionized the way people share content, providing an opportunity for anyone to become a creator and potentially make money. While some spend hours crafting intricate videos, others have found ways to generate content that requires minimal effort but still captures viewers' attention.

Whether you're looking to start a YouTube channel or grow an existing one, there are types of videos you can create with almost zero effort.

In this post, we'll explore simple video ideas like tutorials, opinion pieces, reviews, and unboxings that require little time and effort but can still be highly engaging.

The Easiest YouTube Videos to Make That Require Almost Zero Effort

YouTube has been transformational for many. Those who want to be a content creator can do so with ease. They can upload their videos to the site for free, and potentially be rewarded for doing so.

Videos can become monetized through generated ad revenues. There are a few requirements that need to be met, such as conforming to guidelines, but the ability to earn from them has appealed to many.

So much so, there are some who have looked for “cheat codes” when it comes to creating content for the platform. While not a “get rich quick” scheme, there are clever individuals who have sought loopholes that can allow them to make the best possible YouTube videos without putting a lot of effort into them. If you can make money without putting in too much effort, you would, wouldn’t you?

What type of YouTube content requires little to no effort?

If you want to begin uploading content to YouTube or are seeking new ways to build an existing channel with videos that don’t require a lot of effort, then it’s worth thinking about the following options:

Tutorial videos

YouTube has become an online teacher of some sort for many. As we live in a digital age, the current generation of people will often use internet resources to acquire knowledge or try and improve their learning.

The video-hosting platform has become an incredible resource, as people watch videos that have been created based on the topics that they have been looking for. It’s become so powerful in recent years that it is even used throughout the education system as a means of teaching. If a content creator is an expert in their field or has knowledge of something specific, they should be able to create a video based on it with little effort.

Opinion-based videos

As long as the content is within community guidelines, opinion content can be very popular on YouTube. People like to hear what others have to say about a specific subject or topic. These videos can also go viral because of the viewpoints the uploader may have.

They require very little effort to make, as they can be based on the individual’s own views. These will flow as soon as they are talking to the camera. The only real effort will be when trying to make a video look appealing. Utilizing editing techniques and including stock video about the topic being discussed can improve the overall product, and if it’s something that isn’t too niche, then it should be easy to include clips within the video.

Also ReadHow Generative AI Enhances Earnings for YouTubers

Review & unboxing videos

There was a time when unboxing videos were incredibly popular. They capitalized on the natural curiosity of our brains to take control. We’d want to know what was in the box, just because. The entire video would essentially be like a story being played out in front of our eyes; from beginning to end. Hardly any effort will need to go into the creation of these videos.

At the same time, we all enjoy review-based videos of products or services. We want to know what they are like to know what to expect, or to make an informed decision. These videos are essentially based on the reviewer’s opinion, thus making them relatively simple to make with little effort.

Effort is required to some extent

It would be untruthful to say no effort is required when making YouTube videos, especially if you want it to be seen and go viral. According to figures, more than 500 hours of content is uploaded to the site every single minute.

To make content stand out, it needs to be visually appealing. This is only possible with some effort. Users need to make sure they use editing techniques and programs that are available to make them pop out. If they look basic, people won’t be inclined to click on the link, unless it is one of only a few results.

Coming up with an idea and/or shooting the content is perhaps where a lack of effort is acceptable. However, when it comes to making sure the finished product is polished and looking professional, a degree of effort needs to be shown.

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