Terrible Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico Causes Outrage, Broken Pipeline Cited As The Reason

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Terrible Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico Causes Outrage, Broken Pipeline Cited As The Reason
08 Sep 2021
7 min read

News Synopsis

Oil Spills has become one of the major cause of water pollution as it kills the flora and fauna of the sea. During the past decade, there have been many cases of oil spills around the world that are either caused by unfortunate accidents or deliberate carelessness. As the divers found out, in this case, it was an overlook on the part of a big corporation that was supposed to look after the oil pipeline under the sea. The recent oil spill, which took place a week ago, has caused outrage on social media, with people and environmental activists calling out the role of government in this as they shouldn't have given the contract to such a corporate.

As of now, we don't have any estimate on how much damage has been done. The oil spill is concentrated at a place and is away from the shoreline. But since it is in the middle of the sea, there's bound to be a lot of damage. Only the reports will tell how much damage has been done but the government should make sure that they shouldn't let go of this and the corporation that's behind this should have to pay the maximum fine.

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