Maintaining A Positive Attitude When You Don't Want To

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Maintaining A Positive Attitude When You Don't Want To
04 Sep 2021
7 min read

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When I first decided to relaunch my consulting firm, I was overjoyed. This was my first time taking such a risk, but I'd done it before, so after approximately nine minutes of the lockdown, I gave up and returned to the tumultuous world of business. #ThinkWithNiche.

At first, everything went smoothly. After a few months of being locked up indoors, my inner chatter became more angry. WHAT MAKES MAKING THE SAME PROGRESS AS BEFORE SO DIFFICULT? Unfortunately, even if you're passionate about it, if you stay in overdrive for too long, your own neurochemistry begins to work against you. Whether you're trying to change the world or merely better your own position, consider the following.

Allostatic Load And Negativity Bias

Dr. Bruce McEwen, a late neuroendocrinologist, coined the term allostatic to describe the relationship between stress and performance. If you are not cautious, continuous stress or constant strain will eventually erode your spirit if you are not cautious. This slope is so slick that an episode of Wipeout seems like child's play. We are ambitious and want to tackle challenging activities, yet chronic stress boosts cortisol levels. Even if you require cortisol to survive a mountain lion hunt, having the hormone around all the time is not optimal. According to research published in the journal Neurology, high cortisol levels may impair cognition, memory, and visual processing in middle-aged people.

Have you managed to stay with me this far? The mind-altering effects of cortisol You'll also need the help of others if you wish to overcome your innate negative bias and rescue the planet. Immature thoughts can stimulate the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal axis, resulting in—you guessed it—more cortisol release when impostor syndrome sets in. This odd neurochemistry, on the other hand, works in your favour when you think positively. According to psychologist Daniel Coleman's book Focus: The Hidden Driver, positive thought habits have been proven to promote creative thinking and information processing. Instead of cortisol, serotonin is produced, giving you a lovely feeling of well-being.

When You Really Don't Want To Be Patient

Mental exhaustion is inescapable while engaging in large-scale activities, but there are a few things you can do to avoid succumbing. To deal with overload, use one or more of the techniques listed below. You should reconsider your plans. This week, how many Gary Vaynerchuk podcasts have you listened to? Anyone, at any time, might be affected. If you want to achieve big things, set lofty goals for yourself, but keep an eye on your benchmarks; unattainable growth targets will lead to failure.

Invest in a sounding board. It's best not to go into your brain by yourself since it's a hazardous place to be. As soon as possible, establish a support network on whom you can rely for energy and encouragement. Being able to recall your prior badassery is a huge plus. On the other hand, taking a moment to dwell on your most brave experiences may assist to reset your brain chemistry. As a result, you tend to recall only the most vivid aspects of prior events, both positive and negative. In psychology, this is known as the peak-to-end rule. Use these positive experiences to re-calibrate your motivation.

Even the most sophisticated quote box, however, will not be able to protect you from the ravages of time. As a consequence, you've been programmed to become upset if something goes wrong. Rather than giving up, try to figure out how to reset your brain. In the end, your patience will be rewarded.


TWN In-Focus