Dubai Expo 2020 Raises The Heat Of Excitement In The Midst Of The Pandemic

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Dubai Expo 2020 Raises The Heat Of Excitement In The Midst Of The Pandemic
02 Oct 2021
7 min read

News Synopsis

The Middle East's first-ever World Fair opened on Friday in Dubai, after eight years of planning and investing billions of dollars, with the aim that the months-long extravaganza will draw both visitors and global attention to this desert-turned-dreamscape. The event, dubbed Expo 2020, was postponed by a year owing to a coronavirus outbreak last year. While this may have an influence on the number of visitors who travel to the UAE, the six-month exhibition provides Dubai with a unique opportunity to display its East-meets-West appeal as a destination where all are welcome for business. These international exhibitions have piqued people's interest and presented some of humanity's most significant innovations. The United Arab Emirates has been working for decades to improve its international image.

According to the organizers, 192 countries are represented at the expo. A model of the Falcon 9 Space X rocket will be on display in the US pavilion. A 17-foot-high 3-D recreation of Michelangelo's Biblical hero, David, can be found in Italy's pavilion (5.2 meters). An African food hall, a Regal Egyptian Tomb, concerts, and performances from around the world, and the opportunity to eat on a $500 three-course meal including glow-in-the-dark cuisine are among the other attractions.

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