Be The Smartest in The Room, Develop A Critical Thinking Mindset

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Be The Smartest in The Room, Develop A Critical Thinking Mindset
16 Apr 2022
3 min read

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The capacity to think logically and rationally, understanding the logical link between ideas, is referred to as critical thinking. Since the time of early Greek philosophers, critical thinking has been the subject of debate, and it has continued to be a topic of discussion into the modern era, for example, the ability to recognize fake news. Critical thinking can be defined as the ability when you can think critically and independently about a given topic. This is just a small snippet of what we are covering in this article. Continue reading and you will be able to develop a critical thinking mindset. #TWN

You- “Yay! I finally secured a rank in my schools’ final exams!”

Me- “That’s Amazing! Now, what are your plans for your career?”

You- “I haven’t thought of that at all. What should I do?”

Me- “You should take your time and critically think about it.”

You- “Critical thinking? What is that?”

In this blog, we are exactly going to talk about critical thinking and how you can develop a critical thinking mindset that will help you all lifelong. Thinking is a power that we humans use very well when needed. Certain normal decisions are taken without burning much of our neurons, but when it comes to critical thinking, we have to think beyond our expectations and have to counter multiple scenarios at the same time.

So, let’s burn up some neurons and learn about critical thinking and the mindset that we wish to have.

What Is Critical Thinking – Definition

The capacity to think logically and rationally, understanding the logical link between ideas, is referred to as critical thinking. Since the time of early Greek philosophers, critical thinking has been the subject of debate, and it has continued to be a topic of discussion into the modern era, for example, the ability to recognize fake news. Critical thinking can be defined as the ability when you can think critically and independently about a given topic.

Instead of accepting ideas and assumptions at face value, critical thinkers stringently question them. They will always try to ascertain whether the ideas, arguments, and findings cover the general picture and are willing to be proven wrong. Instead of relying on intuition or instinct, critical thinkers will describe, analyze, and solve problems systematically.

Let us now talk about the critical thinking mindset that you need to understand so that you can make the right decisions.

Critical Thinking Mindset

When people discover and discuss new information, a critical thinking mindset encourages them to reflect by asking critical thinking questions. The evaluation of sources such as data, facts, media, stories, noticeable anomalies, and research findings is part of critical thinking. To solve a problem or make a decision, good critical thinkers can conclude relevant data and distinguish between useful and less useful details. Critical thinking abilities are essential for making better, more informed decisions.

In essence, critical thinking necessitates the use of your reasoning abilities. It is necessary to be an active learner rather than a passive receiver of information.

Instead of accepting ideas and assumptions at face value, critical thinkers question them. They try to ascertain whether the ideas, arguments, and findings portray the whole picture - and are willing to learn if they don't. Critical thinkers will distinguish, analyze, and solve problems methodically rather than relying solely on intuition or instinct.

Creative Thinking Skills That You Must Acquire!

Critical thinking abilities enable you to comprehend and respond to situations based on all available information and facts. Critical thinking at work typically entails processing and organizing facts, data, and other information to define a problem and develop efficient strategies.

It's a good idea to think about the critical thinking skills you already have and those you might need to work on and to highlight them on your resume and during interviews. You should also consider setting goals and implementing practices to help you develop the critical thinking skills required to succeed in your job.

Let’s know a few Critical Thinking Skills!


What do I mean by observational skills?

The ability to observe is the basic foundation for critical thinking. People who are attentive can detect and identify new problems quickly. Those who are skilled at observation can also understand why something might be a concern. Based on their previous experiences, it may even be possible to forecast when a problem will occur.

How can you improve it?

Slow down your rate of information processing and train yourself to pay more attention to your surroundings to improve your observation skills. To thoroughly examine what you're hearing or seeing, you could use mindfulness techniques, journaling, or listening attentively at work and outside of work. Then, consider whether you've noticed any patterns in behavior, transactions, or data that your team could use.


Analyzing the observation is the skill that changes the way you look at things.

Analytical skills become critical once a problem is recognized. Knowing what facts, data, or information about the issue are important is required to analyze and evaluate a situation effectively. It frequently entails conducting independent research, asking pertinent questions about the data to ensure its accuracy, and objectively assessing the findings.

Taking on new experiences will help you improve your analytical skills. To try and force yourself to think differently and consider new ideas, you could read a book about a concept you're unfamiliar with or enroll in an online math class. It can assist you in developing the ability to comprehend new information and make sensible choices based on sound analysis.


The inference is a skill that requires you to draw conclusions based on the information you collect and may necessitate technical or sector knowledge or experience. When you make an inference, it means you're coming up with solutions based on available evidence. Based on the information available, a car mechanic, for example, may need to deduce what is causing a car's engine to stall at totally arbitrary times.

So, how can you improve it?

Enhance your inference skills by focusing on making accurate predictions rather than jumping to conclusions. It necessitates slowing down in order to carefully search for and consider as many clues as possible, such as images, data, or reports, that may assist you in evaluating a situation.


Communication skills are essential when it comes to explaining and discussing issues and potential solutions with coworkers and other stakeholders.

Improve your communication skills in the context of critical thinking by participating in difficult discussions, such as when you and another participant disagree on a topic. Maintain a good communications environment, such as active listening and respect, understanding other people's points of view, and being able to explain your ideas calmly and rationally. It will allow you to evaluate solutions more effectively with your colleagues.

Also Read: How To Build Confidence Within Yourself?

Problem Solving

The most important skill of all! Creative thinking and problem solving go hand in hand.

The final step is to put your solution into action after you've identified and analyzed an issue and chosen a solution. Problem-solving frequently necessitates critical thinking to implement the best solution and determine whether or not the solution is working in relation to the goal.

Set goals to gain more industry knowledge in your field to improve your problem-solving skills. When you have a clear grasp of industry-specific information, problem-solving at work becomes much easier. It can also be beneficial to observe how others solve problems at work. Take note of their methodologies and inquire about their method.

These skills will get you started with developing your critical thinking mindset.

A critical thinking mindset is a crucial part of any human who wants to see life differently and decide the best for oneself. Such a mindset will help you identify a problem that might go unnoticed by a normal population. The real-time solutions can be worked out.

With that being said, I urge the readers to have a critical thinking mindset to conquer every problem that comes their way.

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