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Crypto Themed Restaurant in Florida, Offering Offbeat Sounding Food Items

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Crypto Themed Restaurant in Florida, Offering Offbeat Sounding Food Items
05 Jan 2022
5 min read

News Synopsis

A new restaurant in Clearwater Beach, Florida is urging customers to take more part in the Crypto craze. The restaurant called, Crypto Street Restaurant was opened in early December. 

The restaurant is serving different items on its menu that may sound familiar to cryptocurrency enthusiasts. The menu includes “Crypto Cuban” sandwiches, “Nutty Protocol” salad, “DeFi Ceasar Salad,” “Shiba Shrimp Cocktail,” “Bitcoinana Split,” and “To The MOOOONNN” brownie sundae.

The restaurant also has wall art depicting the bitcoin and ethereum symbols, a rocket headed to the moon and quotes from Elon Musk. It also accepts any type of cryptocurrency, including “shitcoins.”

 The owner, Ricardo Varona has also helped the visitors to open their accounts on the crypto exchange Coinbase. He has also said that he hopes that the bistro can be a place where misconceptions about digital assets can be eliminated.