Best Practices Followed By Designers

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Best Practices Followed By Designers
31 Jul 2021
6 min read

Blog Post

When one crafts out design, it’s not for its style but for understanding messages which would instantly make people feel good about a logo or a prospective brand.#ThinkWithNiche.

Look around, aren't we all surrounded by an incalculable amount of perfection? The universe is designed in a special way. Even the human body is well crafted by God, hiding its ultimate flaw. The meaning of various elements that come together to form patterns, is just awe-inspiring. Just like blood flows into human veins, designers use their extraordinary skills not only to paint the world in exquisitiveness but brushes strokes of perfection to manufacture a complete package. Most of us derive some or other inspiration from popular designers or artists. Here are some best practices followed by designers to soak your eyes!

These Are Beautiful Quotes!

1. Paula Scher

“It’s through mistakes that you can grow. You have to get bad in order to get good”. This popular quote was noted by Paula Scher. whose work is appreciated all around a global scale, she is an inquisitive designer and goes at length to elucidate art enthusiasts. Paula's quote sets a trend for upcoming millennials who run behind perfection, although she reminds us that errors are temporary, good things come after. 

2. Ed Catmull

Pixar founder Ed Catmull has superseded success time and time again. Though his face glimmers on foreign waters, Ed's work will make your jaws drop to the ground! Ed Catmull's famous quote “If you give a good idea to a mediocre team, they will screw it up. If you give a mediocre idea to a brilliant team, they will either fix it or throw it away and come up with something better.” In short, blend with like-minded people if you want to shoot stars in any workspace. 

3. Lindon Leader

Every Tom, Dick, and Harry are wary of how the FEDEX logo looks like, man behind its design is none other than Lincon Leader who attracted multiple awards and accolades. His simple quote emphasizes minimalism for why simplicity is the best option otherwise. “I strive for two things in design: simplicity and clarity. Great design is born of those two things”. Constant iteration is required to process the simplest design only then it could be understood by non-designers too.   

Final verdict

It’s so crucial to beautify simplicity, amplify your message and grab the attention of audiences, readers, or consumers. When one crafts out design, it’s not for its style but for understanding messages which would instantly make people feel good about a logo or a prospective brand.  

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