5 Steps To Finding Good Design Work A Guide For Graphic Designers

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5 Steps To Finding Good Design Work A Guide For Graphic Designers
15 Oct 2021
7 min read

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Finding good freelancing work is always a headache, more so for graphic designers. This is a feeling shared by freelancers across the globe. Hence we have 5 tips which will surely help you in finding good freelancing designing work.#ThinkWithNiche

Freelancing is a cut-throat field, especially for graphic designers. The demand is much more than supply and rarely do designers get well-paid, impactful jobs. Ask any freelancing designer and they all will say the same thing about not finding good work. Everyone knows the drill to find freelance work; networking, internships, making a good resume, etc. And yet many times merely networking isn't enough. You cannot always depend on your contacts and acquaintances for work.

It's not that there's a lack of good and meaningful work. Brands are always looking for good graphic designers for brand work, website designing, logos, etc. You just have to make your way to them. for exactly that reason, we've come up with several tips to find you well-paid and meaningful designing work. But keep in mind these tips aren't hacked to finding good work. You'll still have to do all the hard work.

1. Build Your Website And Update it Constantly 

A graphic designer needs a website as much as a writer needs paper or a photographer needs a camera. Not having your website where all your designs are carefully cataloged and displayed will put you on the back foot. If you are a freelance designer, you can't lazily email clients about work inquiries with links to your work. No client wants to go through all that pain when they can easily pick the designer whose designs they can easily access in one place. So step one to freelancing is to build a good website and constantly update it. Always remember, that at the end, it's you, who will have to promote yourself.

2. Create Social Profiles 

You should also build a strong social media and online presence. For that, you'll need to create accounts on platforms such as Instagram, Dribbble, and Behance. This will attract more visitors to your website and the more clicks your website gets, the higher it will rank on the Google search page. You don't need to regularly engage with these platforms but remember to constantly put your designs on display here. A good social media presence will automatically give you more work.

3. Freelance Websites 

This one's the most common tip. If you are a freelancer, chances are you already know about it. There are many freelancing websites such as Upwork, WeWorkRemotely, Toptal, Angelist, etc where you can find well-paid, good work. These websites can be competitive so you'll have to write a compelling resume to attract clients.

4. Selling Design Template

Designing good templates for websites and blogs and putting them on sale is a great way to earn a passive income. Doing this will also bring you more publicity and experience. Once clients begin to see your name at other places, they will surely contact you for work queries. It's a great way to get good freelancing jobs.

5. Networking or Word of mouth 

The last tip is obviously to spread your wings and grow your network. Networking is essential to freelancers, more so for designers because they can easily get good work based on good word of mouth. Hence, it's important to go out and meet different people who don’t work in design. Leaving a good impression on people will automatically fetch you some great work.


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