11 Habits For Students To Practice Every Day

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 11 Habits For Students To Practice Every Day
23 Dec 2022
6 min read

Blog Post

Students who practice good habits achieve tremendous success in life. Habits give you a kind of structure that will help you in achieving your goals. Don't have this mindset that good habits will help you only in the exams. No, there's no such thing. Good habits are ones that will serve you well in all areas of life and not just in school and college. So I’ve created a list of 11 good habits for students to practice every day. When you develop these habits, you’ll become a healthier, happier, smart, and more successful student. Read on to discover 11 habits for students to practice every day.

Have you ever noticed, few students are more successful than others? Are there any secrets that only successful students know and they don't tell anyone?

There are many possible reasons but one thing which every good student follows is good habits. 

Students who practice good habits achieve tremendous success in life. Habits give you a kind of structure that will help you in achieving your goals. 

Don't have this mindset that good habits will help you only in the exams. No, there's no such thing. Good habits are ones that will serve you well in all areas of life and not just in school and college. 

So I’ve created a list of 11 good habits for students to practice every day.

When you develop these habits, you’ll become a healthier, happier, smart, and more successful student. 

11 Good Habits For Students To Practice Every Day

1. Write down the four to six most important tasks to accomplish for the day

By writing down your four to six most important tasks for the day, you will focus on the most important tasks, not just the random ones.

If you want to study smart and become a straight-A student, start cultivating this important habit today because this habit will make you more productive.

2. Read inspirational quotes and songs

For a quick boost of motivation for working hard and studying, read your favorite inspirational quotes and songs. Yes, they help. 

My personal favorite is this famous quote by Thomas Jefferson – I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have. 

List of inspirational songs-

  • Stronger by Kelly Clarkson
  • Hall of fame by The Script
  • Unstoppable by Sia
  • Believer by Imagine Dragons
  • Ain’t No Mountain High Enough by Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell
  • Lose Yourself by Eminem

3. Do something that scares you

If you want to build courage and develop confidence, start doing something that scares you. 

I know it is very scary to face your fears but face them. Start small by writing them on a page and take tiny actions. 

4. Exercise for at least 20 minutes

Most students may not have time to hit the gym for hours but a short burst (20 minutes) of daily exercise is an essential healthy habit for every student.  Every student can find 20 minutes in their day to exercise.

Trust me, you’ll find that you’re more energetic and you'll fall sick less often too when you exercise for at least 20 minutes daily. 

5. Update your calendar with important events and key dates

If you love planning things and want to remember important dates and events, start updating your calendar. 

A calendar is an excellent way to stay on schedule. You can use any physical calendar or Google calendar to record exam dates, assignments and projects submission deadlines and semester breaks, etc. 

Also Read: 6 Tips to Overcome Overthinking

6. Get ten minutes of sun every day

Don’t spend your entire day cooped up inside because there are numerous benefits of getting some sun every day.

It enhances sleep quality, reduces the risk of certain cancers, and also improves brain function. 

7. Get at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night

Getting seven to eight hours of sleep every night is a healthy habit but according to research, many students struggle to incorporate this good habit into their lives. 

When you get enough sleep you feel better, refreshed, and energetic. 

8. Be at least five to ten minutes early for every appointment

Arriving late for an appointment is a bad idea. Nobody loves a person who is always late, lethargic, and doesn't respect time. 

It’s a very good habit for students to arrive five to ten minutes early for every appointment. 

9. Don’t multitask

Most of us believe that multitasking saves our time but this is not true. To an extent yes, you can multitask but not in every case. 

Focus on one task at a time because research shows that multitasking affects productivity negatively. 

Trust me you’re just tricking yourself if you think you’re more productive by multitasking.

10. Learn something new every day

As a student, our main focus is to excel in our studies but we forget that life doesn't have a syllabus.

As a student trying to learn something outside the syllabus. Read a good book, take online classes to learn new skills, etc. 

11. Give yourself a small reward after you complete any major task

We have this misconception that the reward system only works for young children but it works for everyone. 

It gives you the motivation to work through a task in a timely manner.

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