Government of India to Introduce Stricter Regulations on Online Gaming to Address Addiction Concerns

29 May 2024
4 min read

News Synopsis

The Indian government is contemplating stricter regulations for online gaming companies, aiming to tackle the growing concern of gaming addiction, especially amongst children and young adults.

Is India Following China's Lead in Regulating Online Gaming?

Sources from the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) reveal a growing inclination towards imposing time and spending limits on online and real-money games, according to a report . This approach mirrors the restrictions adopted in China, and has gained significant traction during recent internal discussions.

Shifting Focus: From Self-Regulation to Proactive Measures

The government is exploring a more proactive approach by directly imposing time limits, rather than solely relying on self-regulatory organizations (SROs) to determine game permissibility. This strategy aims to minimize the potential influence of the gaming industry on regulatory decisions, especially considering the vulnerability of young gamers.

An IT ministry official highlighted this approach as a better alternative to game certification, reducing the risk of industry bias in regulations.

The Booming Indian Gaming Market and Addiction Concerns

India boasts a massive gaming market, ranking among the largest globally. According to the report, the country has an estimated 570 million active gamers, with a significant portion (around 25%) engaging in real-money gaming activities.

The proposed regulations target both the time spent playing and the money invested in online games to address these addiction concerns.

The Road Ahead: Implementation and Collaboration

If implemented, gaming companies will be responsible for developing mechanisms to ensure players adhere to the prescribed limits. For instance, daily spending limitations could be personalized based on a player's age demographics and past spending patterns.

Government officials are optimistic about the feasibility of these measures and emphasize the importance of collaboration with the gaming industry to create effective solutions.

While the regulations are still under discussion, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) acknowledges the need for robust measures to combat gaming addiction among the youth.

Previous Attempts at Self-Regulation and Industry Concerns

In April 2023, MeitY issued regulations for the gaming industry, offering stakeholders a 90-day window to form an SRO. However, none of the submitted proposals received government approval due to perceived industry influence.

Despite receiving three proposals, the ministry opted against proceeding due to concerns about potential industry bias.

This latest move towards direct regulation signifies a shift in the government's approach, prioritizing the well-being of young gamers and potentially impacting the landscape of online gaming in India.


The Government of India's move to impose time and spending limits on online games represents a significant step towards addressing gaming addiction among young people. By exploring collaborative approaches with the gaming industry and learning from international models, the government aims to create a balanced regulatory framework that protects vulnerable populations while supporting the growth of the gaming sector.


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